Monday, August 1, 2016

Expecting #2 (E2)


Yes, we are currently expecting our new family member known as E2...
After a long waited, finally Allah has fulfill our prayers by granting us the precious gift that keep on growing in my womb....

we tried for so many years...
4 tahun tau, empat tahun...
and now what I can say is ALHAMDULILLAH...

For information, I am currently in my 25th weeks of pregnancy...
Cepat sangat mase berlalu...

Dah tentulah, different pregnancy, akan ada different challenges...
1st challenges, let's start with my UPT result...

UPT ThaQif;
- aku buat lebih awal, means, tarikh period aku mmg jauh lagi..bukan sbb lambat datang bulan..just my instinct nk check..suke2..
- buat UPT mase laling temok xde kt umah...
- sekali buat hasilnye mmg terus nampak
- terus gigil2 call laling temok informed die...

- dibuat sehari lambat dari date period...(everymonth pn aku buat mcm ni kalau lambat period tp kali ni sbb instinct aku kuat kate aku preggy)
- lepas check mcm biasa kecewa sbb mule2 tu mmg xnmpk ape2 line pn yg +ve...
- selalu aku terus buang je UPT after check, tp sbb mase tu nk sorok dari laling temok, terpaksa simpan UPT tu dalam kotak and bubuh dalam henbeg..
- ptg tu mase nk buang aku gatai pegi check balik result tu and mase tu berdebar-debar sbb instinct pregnant aku makin kuat...
- dan after UPT tu kering baru aku nmpk 2nd line yg very the samar2 tu....
- i cried mase tu and excitedly tunjuk pada thaQif...he was just smile....I hope he understood by that time...
- aku simpan balik UPT sbb planned asal nk jadikan hadiah birthday utk laling temok....

u can see sendiri comparison both UPTs...both utk 1st check on my own...
ThaQif clear, E2 mmg xnmpk line tu kan?...but it was very samar, sampai myself kene fokus...

Plan asal nk jadikan hadiah besday, tp agak2 berjaya x??
dan challenges2 laen tu bentuk macam mane pulak??

in shaa Allah, i will share more...
for my own journal and referrence...
sbb mase sonshine dulu, aku mmg xde share sangat pasal pregnancy journey...
sbb xlalu nk tgk lappy...

so till then, 
have a nice day and live life to the max.

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